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Posts tagged with ‘Purim’

  • Purim and the Chance to Awaken

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    I need to tell you a story. About 2,000 years ago the Jews had been expelled from the Holy Land, and found themselves living in the capital of Persia, Shushan. The king of the Persian Empire, Achashverosh, had his beloved wife, Vashti, executed at the very party that he had thrown to celebrate his marriage to her. The beautiful and pure Esther, then 40 years old, gets crowned queen of this world empire. Years she is in the palace, refusing to tell anyone her background, wondering what she, a righteous Jewish woman is doing, married to this capricious, drunkard king.

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  • Purim – “There is no despair in the world at all!”

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    Every month, the Nation of Israel sanctifies the moon.
    This means that at least once a month, we form a deep bond with our Father in Heaven, the King of Kings.

    In the story of Megillat Esther, when Achashverosh’s wicked declaration went forth, Mordechai notified Queen Esther (who symbolizes the Jewish people), and urged her to turn to the king for help – despite the fact that she had not been called to the king already for 30 days, or one month.

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