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Tisha B’Av – Believe You Can Fix

From the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

Tisha B’Av – Believe You Can Fix
July 26, 2016 Ron Caras

“And I will call to testify for Myself trustworthy witnesses, Uriah the priest and Zachariah the son of Jeberechiah.” (Yishaya Chapter 8, 2)

During the time when the first Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple) was still standing, two holy prophets Uriah and Zachariah came forth and revealed secrets of the future to the Jewish people. Uriah had a gloomy vision in which he saw the second Temple being destroyed and the people mourning the terrible loss. Zachariah on the other hand had a beautiful vision of the third Temple being built again in all its holy glory.

Two holy prophets came forth and revealed secrets of the future to the Jewish people

Chazal explains that these two visions coming together is no coincidence. They explain that just as the first Temple was destroyed according to the vision of Uriah, we must also believe that Zachariah’s vision of the rebuilding of the Temple will also come speedily and hopefully in our days.

Rebbe Natan, the closest student of Rebbe Nachman, expands on this and explains in Likutei Halachot that their testimonies are not only speaking of the days of yore in which the physical revelation of the Holy Temple will once again stand, rather this is a deep lesson for every generation.

Each one of us carries an aspect of the Holy Temple within us.
The Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple) was the greatest revelation of Gods glory we could access in the world. It was referred to as “The Home of God” because it was the closest we could get to feeling and experience true closeness to Him.

Thus, the destruction of the Holy Temple created a disconnection and concealment of Hashem’s light in the world.

The Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple) was the greatest revelation of Gods glory we could access in the world

Rebbe Nachman ,explains that this experience of closeness exists deep within our body and soul.

It is written in the Kabbalah that Jerusalem, the place where the Temple once stood, is considered the heart of the world, and the Holy Temple the mind. According to this explanation, each one of us carries both the destruction and re-building of the temple inside of our hearts and minds.

Jerusalem is considered the heart of the world, and the Holy Temple the mind

This means that when I fall and act in a way which distances me from holiness, I am essentially creating a disconnection between my body and soul. This disconnection makes me feel distant from God which is my personal experience of the destruction of the Holy Temple within me.

But Rebbe Nachman brings us hope and tells us that we must always remember:

“If you believe you can destroy, believe you can fix!”

The very fact that I am capable of feeling so disconnected and low is reason enough to believe that I am also capable of coming so close to holiness and truth. With the same energy that I used to distance myself from Hashem, I can bring myself closer and higher and build a deeper connection then I ever had before.
This is the deeper reason for the two prophets bringing their two visions together.
I can bring myself closer and higher and build a deeper connection then I ever had before
In the same way that the vision brought by Uriah of the Holy Temple being destroyed and the “face” of Hashem becoming hidden has already occurred,
we need to break down the gates of heaven with our good will and prayers, and know that it will once again stand in all its holy glory, just as the vision of Zachariah said it would be. On that day the revelation of Gods infinite light will once again be present and felt by us all.
We need to break down the gates of heaven with our good will and prayers!

May we all merit to feel Hashem’s closeness in our lives, and see the rebuilding of the Temple speedily and in our days

This article is based on likutei halachot, hilhot edut 5

Please note: We spent much time and effort to bring the inspirational teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov as accurately as possible in this article. If you find any mistakes in translation or have trouble understanding the article, please let us know! Feel free to comment below.
We bless the viewers to be connected to Rebbe Nachman and to his teachings, and to always be happy and inspired…

Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me’Uman 🙂

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